Products / Services
We perform the following Services For Inground Residential Pools Only:
Openings, Closings, Partial Closings, Cleanings & Maintenance (Weekly, Bi-Weekly), Vacation Maint Visit, Equipment Repairs, Equipment Replacement, Pumps, Motors, Filters, (sorry we don’t work on the inner issues of Heaters – we leave that to the Professionals in Heating and Cooling – I can refer you to a great company that can help you.), Chemical Feeders (chlorinators), Automatic Pool Cleaners (Polaris), Plumbing, Valves, Skimmer replacement, Safety Covers, Winter Covers, Full or Partial Acid Washing, Timers (we do have the name of an Electrician that can assist with electrical or you can use your own), Deck Caulking, Water Testing, Renovations please read: Tile, Coping, Marcite, Pebble Tek – WE have slowed on re-do’s as many of our subs (trades) are retiring, so call us to discuss to see if we can still help. We can refer you to a wonderful Heater Company that can come out to assist in repairing your heater.

Anything you don’t see here – call or text us 248-481-3345.
If Email is easier – Click on the “Contact Us” tab here on this website and fill out the form – it will send an email to us…

Pool Openings
Pool Openings consist of the following (call for pricing – depends on the type of pool you have and if you have a spa or not as well as Rocks/landscaping around/next to pool and/or Waterfall)
- Pump water off cover, hose cover & fan fold
- Power Vacuum the pool with our pump, not your system
- Skim debris off the surface of the water
- Install return fittings, Automatic Cleaner & deck equipment
- Clean the deck area at the pool (need your garden hose for this)
- Start Pump, Filter and Heater (we’ll leave heater on if you wish or turn back off)
- Shock pool with 1 case of liquid chlorine – once cover is Off pool and if pool water is very Green.. we will make the decision if another Case of Liquid Chlorine is needed. If so, we will add the Extra Case of Liquid to pool and charge you for that extra Case of Chlorine at current market prices.
- Should you have a Spa or Waterfall, we’ll be sure those areas are also clean and pumps started and functional.
- We’ll leave a detailed checklist of all these items as well as what needs attention
- Extra repairs, cleaning or chemicals are available, just ask (that’s all extra)
- One thing we’ll never do, is leave a hose in the pool running if no one is home – should your pool water level not be up to the proper level yet, and we start pool on the Main Drain only – we’ll leave detailed instructions to fill pool up to proper level and simply open the skimmer valve.
- We unfortunately do not bring Salt Bags to the opening for you clients that have Salt System Pools.
The salt cell generators are made to work when pool water temperatures are above 60 degrees. In pool water temperatures that are 60 degrees or below, the salt generators simply shut down and by design do not allow the salt cell to ionize (breakdown) the salt and convert it to chlorine. Before you add Salt to your pool be sure you have the water above 60 degrees/preferably more like 70 degrees and then test the water to see how much salt you would need. Don’t rely on the salt generator to tell you what the levels are in the pool as this generator will not typically give an accurate reading when the water is colder. When you add salt (only add 1 bag of salt at a time)…It takes about twenty-four hours to dissolve sufficiently, so leaving the pump on during this process helps. Test the salt level of the water periodically until it reaches 3500 ppm or the required level as set out in your manufacturer’s instructions.
Pool Closings
Pool Closings consist of the following (call for pricing – depends on the type of pool you have and if you have a spa or not as well as Rocks/landscaping around/next to pool and/or Waterfall)
- Skim debris off surface
- Drain water below returns
- Blow Out all plumbing lines
- Add anti-freeze to lines
- Plug inlets and skimmers
- Winterize Pumps, Filter & Heater
- Shut gas supply to heater
- Remove deck equipment
- Shock Pool
- Install Winter Cover
- Should you have a Spa or Waterfall, we’ll be sure those areas are also closed properly just like the pool
- We’ll leave a detailed checklist of all these items as well as what if anything needs attention for the Spring; or if we can tell a certain underground pipe didn’t blow out properly which could mean a possibly situation that would require attention in the Spring.
- If you need a new Pool Cover we can assist; waterbags we have them on our truck; plugs we have those too (all those are extra as well).

Partial Closings
Partial Closings consist of the following (call for pricing – depends on the type of pool you have and if you have a spa or not as well as Rocks/landscaping around/next to pool and/or Waterfall)
- You’ve already brought the water down to below the lowest Return – we come and Blow out the plumbing lines
- We’ll winterize the pump, filter and heater
- We’ll plug inlets and skimmers
- We’ll anti-freeze the lines
- The rest is up to you – putting Shock in Pool, Removing all deck equipment and Installing the Winter Cover.
- Price can vary depending on size of PVC piping and if the pool equipment is far away from the actual pool – this can take us longer to do the work needed to properly blow out the lines. Note: We don’t have the necessary Air Compressor to blow out large PVC Piping (example 3″ PVC).
Weekly or Bi-Weekly (Cleanings) – call for pricing (we could do a Vacation Visit if you’re out of town)
- Check and adjust all chemicals (if we add from our stock, extra charge – your stock no extra charge)
- Skim debris off surface
- Back wash filter & empty all baskets (pump & skimmer)
- Clean cartridges and DE filters when applicable
- Brush down tiles
- Clean bag & screen on automatic cleaners
- Vacuum pool when necessary
- Overall check the equipment to be sure no leaks or problems – if anything spotted let customer know and see if they require us to send out Service Manager (if you’re a weekly customer we’ll just send out the Service Mgr automatically – we’ll notate on your sheet that this is happening)
- We provide a detailed Weekly Maintenance Sheet as to what we’ve done and what we’ve found and what we’ve added. Plus any problems we’ve noted and the next step.
- We bill once a month

Service Call
A Service call is $150.00 (for the 1st Hour) for us to show up and provide some sort of Service or Repair other than what is mentioned above. This is for the 1st Hour of work – additional charge after.
Call to discuss: (We can do complete tile and coping replacement (brick or cement), pool surface replacement (marcite or pebble tek for example). We can come give an Estimate and we do this work in Early Spring. Call for a Quote and Information.)
Have a question don’t hesitate to ask, we can help you. 248-481-3345
OR if Email is easier – click on the “Contact Us” tab here on this website and fill out the form – it will send us an email.
We service basically Oakland County (to the NorthWest as far as the Eastern part of White Lake, to the North as far as Southern part of Clarkston, mostly all of SW & SE Oakland Cty.) Most of Wayne Cty, but only as far south as Dearborn / Dearborn Heights.We service the following cities/communities to date:
Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Canton, Clarkston, Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, Farmington, Farmington Hills, Franklin, Southern Lake Orion, Livonia, Northville, Novi, Southern Oakland Twp., Orchard Lake, Plymouth, Redford, Rochester, Rochester Hills, South Lyon, Sylvan Lake, Western part of Troy, Walled Lake, Waterford, West Bloomfield, Westland, Eastern White Lake. Don’t see your city/community – call us anyway maybe we can help.
During the years we’ve been in business, Ultimate Pool Service, Inc. has serviced, repaired and treated hundreds of swimming pools and Pool with built in spas. We have been able to supply top of the line products, parts and chemicals. If there is a specific item that you need, don’t hesitate to ask, we will do our very best to find it for you.
HEATERS – Ultimate Pool Service has noticed that Raypak / Rheem Heaters are extremely service oriented and reliable, we recommend those. Should you need Service on your heater I can recommend a great expert in Heating & Cooling as I refer all my clients to this specific company. We don’t get into the inner workings of these heaters…as that is not our expertise. We can no longer supply and/or Install heater replacements – our Heater Installer retired.
PUMPS / MOTORS – Ultimate Pool Service can get you any brand pump/motor that you would need typically. As of 1/1/22 there is a New Regulation that passed and no longer can anyone get a Single Speed Swimming Pool Pump 1.5 hp and higher.. they’re all Variable Speed now. We can still get single speed pumps for 1 hp swimming pool pumps. Usually we come out to see what you currently have installed and find the exact replacement pump/motor. This way minimal plumbing needs to take place. If your pump/motor is old and possibly outdated, we’ll find one that is the closest in size/shape for minimal re-plumbing, but now with this new regulation if it’s a 1.5 hp or higher.. it HAS to be a Variable Speed Pump to replace.
FILTERS – Ultimate Pool Service can get you any brand Filter that you may already have. Again, we’ll come out and see what you currently have installed and try to find the exact same replacement. If your filter is old and outdated, we’ll find one that is comparable, again for the least amount of re-plumbing necessary. This saves you money.
CHLORINATORS – Ultimate Pool Service can get you any type of chlorinator, but we usually install Hayward Chlorinators. We can get you Off Line or In Line. If you’ve never had an Automatic Chlorinator installed, now is the time – no more constantly adding chlorine, let the automation of this device do it for you.

AUTOMATIC POOL CLEANERS – Ultimate Pool Service can get you any type of Automatic Pool Cleaner that you would like, but Ken is very familiar with Polaris (he used to Rep the company back in the old days). Polaris is the #1 automatic pool cleaner brand. The Polaris 280 we feel is the best made Polaris Cleaner with the least amount of down time. If you’ve never had an Automatic Pool Cleaner installed, now is the time – no more vacuuming that pool!!! That in itself should sway you into getting one finally. Ultimate Pool Service is also a certified Polaris repair center. Our service technicians can make a service call to your pool to either repair your Polaris on site or bring back to our shop, to be returned back to your pool ASAP.
SAFETY COVERS / LOOP-LOC COVERS – Safety Covers are the highest quality, safest pool cover on the market. Safety Covers are made to last with double perimeter webbing, double thick straps, extremely high strength s/s springs and polyester bonded thread. After these covers are made every stitch is hand inspected. These covers come with a 15 year warranty, although they typically last much, much longer. These covers pay for themselves as you’re no longer purchasing a pool cover every couple of years, no longer purchasing waterbags and quite frankly, wouldn’t you rather look out your beautiful backyard window at a flush, tramploline type look over the pool, then a oversized “Hefty Bag” over the pool? Should you be interested in a Safety Cover, we’d be happy to come out and do a series of measurements around the pool and then provide you with a typed written quote for the Manufacturer, Delivery and Installation of this beautiful cover. All Free Estimates by the way.
The SAFETY part is the best, we’ve had customers call and state, “This is the best purchase we’ve ever made. Our Granddaughter was outside and walked right over the cover – we never had to worry about her falling into the covered pool. So worth the Piece of Mind for just that!” We’ve had others say, “Never had to worry about the dog falling in ever again. So worth the price of the cover.”
CHEMICALS: Ultimate Pool Service, Inc. only carries the top of the line, most effective chemicals. Don’t be fooled by some of the chain stores or discount stores that sell pool chemicals for cheap, cheap prices. Always read the labels to see what the active ingredients are. For example, some algaecides may seem like a better deal, but may only have 5-30% active ingredient. You would need to buy up to 8 galllons of the off brand to be equal to the 1 quart of a 60% product. Same thing with Chlorine – some of the discount / chain stores carry chlorine but the active ingredient is sometimes only in the 60% range, while what we carry is 99.9% active ingredient. Bottom Line – if it’s cheap there’s a reason – the old saying, “You get what you pay for.” READ LABELS.